Travels, observations and experiences from my time among the humans. Transmitted daily (almost). Contact: Twitter: @zerbeda19763

Saturday, January 09, 2010

If I have become neglectful of my reporting duties of late, it is primarily because of illness, and secondarily, because of adherence to social convention. Neighbor Rebecca, who has been very kind to me in the event of my "food poisoning" (local humans are quite fond of believing their food to be at odds with themselves, to the point of it having a malicious purpose), informed me that yesterday was her birthday. She invited me to her birthday party, which I did attend. As there was much to observe, there is much to report, and I will do so as soon as I am able. Today, however, I have been busy laboring in my community garden plot in the morning, and filling out paperwork in the afternoon. Neither offers any particular insights into humanity. More to come soon.

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