Travels, observations and experiences from my time among the humans. Transmitted daily (almost). Contact: Twitter: @zerbeda19763

Monday, January 11, 2010

Though it is my assignment on Earth to be as unobtrusive an observer as possible, unfortunately there come times when I am as caught up in events as any human, and find little time to reflect. This week is exceptionally busy. I have been embroiled in too many human events, all of which yield useful insights, at the expense of draining my energy.

Rebecca and I have had an altercation. I would explain more, but, as the humans say, "I've had a bad day". In response, I have attempted to do as humans do when they feel "stressed" or overwhelmed. I walked to the corner market and purchased a bottle of liquid called Kahlua. For the last three hours I have been taking it the way tribal humans do, from a glass half-filled with ice (frozen water). It is my understanding that this compound should put me in direct contact with the ancestors, who will conduct loud rituals in my home, and, I presume, impart to me their wisdom. Thus far, however, it only makes me feel warm and gives me a craving for bananas.

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